Essential Questions

  • I. How Do We Know What We Know?
  • II. What Are The Problems of Knowledge?
  • III. What is the role of Perception in attaining Knowledge?
  • IV. How does Language influence how he gain Knowledge?
  • V. How does our use of Reason help or hinder us as we attempt to gain knowledge?
  • VI. Is Emotion the best way to gain knowledge?

Diving Bell #3

November 12
Please answer the following Questions on your blog. The answers must be posted by November 23
1. What is significant about the last line in Guardian Angel?
2. What is ironic about the photograph he recieves from his father in The Photo?
3. Do Bauby's dreams give us any insight into his condition? Be specific.
4. Where is Bauby's butterfly in My Lucky Day?
5. After reading, Our Very Own Madonna and Through a Glass, Darkly, Bauby seems to have regrets about not appreciating small moments from his earlier life. Can you think of a moment from your own life that you did not truly appreciate until it was over? How can we learn to live so that we appreciate significant moments. Is this even possible?

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