Essential Questions

  • I. How Do We Know What We Know?
  • II. What Are The Problems of Knowledge?
  • III. What is the role of Perception in attaining Knowledge?
  • IV. How does Language influence how he gain Knowledge?
  • V. How does our use of Reason help or hinder us as we attempt to gain knowledge?
  • VI. Is Emotion the best way to gain knowledge?

Knowers & Knowing II

September 5
Please copy and paste this question on to your blog and answer it:

From the website read the article from The New Yorker Archive, Do Parents Matter? (Aug. 17, 1998). Please click here to read:

Then, read another article by the same title, Do Parents Matter? from Levitt and Dubner's website relating to their book Freakonomics. Please click here to read:

How would Gladwell respond to the identity question from August 27th? How would Levitt and Dubner respond? Do you agree with their argument? Why or why not?

Knowers & Knowing III

September 10
Using the comments feature below, please write a response to the following question:

"How do we Know what we Know? What evidence do you have to support your claim?

Knowers and Knowing IV

September 15

Please copy and paste this question on to your blog and answer it:

From the website, please read Introduction and 1st Chapter (PDF File) from The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals.

Please click here to read:

Did any information in the book come as a surprise to you? If so, why do you think that specific piece of knowledge was kept from you? Does the producer of this knowledge have any responsibility? What is your responsibility as a knower?

Knowers & Knowing V

September 17

Please copy and paste this question on to your blog and answer it:

From the website read the article from The New Yorker Archive, The Trouble With Fries (Mar. 5, 2001).

Click here:

How would Gladwell respond to the responsibility question from September 15th?